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The work reflects the importance of the restoration of precision parts of high-pressure fuel pumps (HPFP) of diesel engines. The authors have studied the methods of restoration of precision parts of high-pressure fuel pumps. It is established that the wear protection can be provided by a film formed on a metal by applying chemical coatings to the surface. The coatings may contain sulfides, phosphides and other chemical derivatives of metals. The article substantiates the use of the low-temperature sulphochroming method. As a result of low-temperature sulphochroming of details of any configuration, a composite layer consisting of sulphides and intermetallic compounds is formed on the surface. In turn, the resulting sulphide layer provides a way for good alignment of the mating parts, in our case these are “plunger and bushing” with the possibility of reducing the gap between the parts within the range of 0.4‑1.0 μm. The use of the proposed method is expedient in view of the optimal processability and relatively low cost. By the developed method, up to 50 % of the worn out precision parts (plunger pairs) of the entire repair stock with wear up to 6 μm are restored. It has been established that, as a result of machining parts by the proposed technology, intermetallic compounds are formed and located at a depth of 9‑9.5 μm. The sulfochromated coating of friction pairs allows significantly improving the voltage stability in the initial period of operation and increasing their wear resistance under conditions of steady wear, especially precision parts under severe operating conditions. The article presents the results of experimental studies on the selection of the optimal amount of ingredients necessary for the restoration of precision parts using this method.

List of references: 

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