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The development strategy of the traffic management organization sets high standards on the quality of navigation definitions of dynamic controlled objects. In real conditions, the accuracy of determining the parameters of the trajectory motion is affected by the lateral wind, various kinds of perturbations and disturbances. The article proposes a model of trajectory motion of a dynamic controlled object based on complex information processing in a triad integrated navigation system. The developed model can be used for standard navigation calculations in describing the movement of mobile objects in the horizontal plane on straight sections, as well as the turnaround process. It is shown that the errors in navigational definitions lead to a deviation of the estimated values of the parameters of the trajectory motion from the true ones. Therefore, when forming the flight path, it is necessary to take into account the errors in estimating the parameters of the trajectory motion under the influence of destabilizing factors. The algorithm for optimizing the trajectory in the state space is synthesized based on the methods of optimal control theories and optimal filtering. The situation was simulated for the formation of a controlled motion trajectory based on the solution of the problem of navigational and temporal determinations in a triad integrated navigation system based on inertial and satellite technologies. Using the methods of simulation statistical modeling, the characteristics of the proposed model of the trajectory motion and the algorithm for complex processing of navigation information are investigated. The results of calculation of navigational parameter estimates on the basis of the filtering algorithm in the on-board computer system are presented.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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