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There are significant differences noted between the values of adhesion coefficient of the wheel and rail in railway transport, obtained experimentally and calculated by the traditional method. The article suggests a refined experimental method for determining the coefficient of adhesion using a device developed and patented by the authors.  It is pointed out that it is necessary to take into account the influence of the technical condition of the track on the value of the adhesion coefficient. The general algorithm for determining the coefficient of adhesion is illustrated by a practice-oriented example. The analytical description of the experimental data by the proposed method satisfies the requirements for the reliability of the results, which is of great practical importance when carrying out traction calculations and indirectly indicates the technical condition of the track.

Determination of the coefficient of adhesion can be made during the braking of a moving special car equipped with a device for measuring and analyzing the angular velocity of a wheel pair, as well as a device for measuring the magnitude of the braking torque.

During the braking, the angular velocity of the wheel pair oscillates, while two events occur during one oscillation period: the elastic interaction of the wheel pair and the rails and their slipping relative to each other. Coefficient of adhesion is defined as a function of the ratio of the time of elastic interaction to the period of oscillations of the angular velocity.

This takes into account:

- the magnitude of the braking torque;

- the force of pressing the wheel pair against the rails;

- the radius of the wheel.

It is important to note that the value of the coefficient of adhesion depends on the technical condition of the track - as the latter deteriorates, the former decreases. From this it follows that on each section of the track, depending on its design features and technical condition, its own coefficient of adhesion is determined.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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