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The article focuses on to the selection of the method of the aircraft equipment linkage in modern production conditions. Two methods of linking are considered in the article: a mould loft template method and a mouldless method. Their linkage schemes, advantages and disadvantages are presented, including the accuracy calculations of each method and the rational choice of the use of the mould loft template method for aircraft assembly. Each linkage method, including the mould loft one, has its own area of effective use where they provide the greatest linkage accuracy with the lowest cost of labor, materials and make it possible to obtain the highest interchangeability level. That's why the mould loft template method of linkage is still relevant, despite the trend of digital production development, as in design and technological preparation of production, as in modern manufacturing plants which use machines with numerical control. In mass production, this method provides low cost of manufactured products at the expense of the universal equipment (unlike the CNC machines).

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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