Дата поступления: 
Номер журнала (Том): 
621.311, 621.331


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Most works on electric power quality and the existing standard documents consider only amplitude values of inverse and zero sequence voltage non-symmetry coefficients, making it possible to define admissibility of thermal impact on the electric equipment. The most complete description of the non-symmetrical mode can be obtained using non-symmetry amplitude and phase parameters.

The article presents the results of computer modeling technologies that allow defining amplitude and phase characteristics of non-symmetry. These technologies are implemented in the software package Fazonord on the basis of phase coordinates methods of definition of railway power supply system modes.

The results of non-symmetrical modes definition in standard 25 and 2х25 kV railway power systems are presented as an example. The modeling is carried out in two options: during the movement of one cargo train weighing 3200 t in the odd direction; during the movement of 6 cargo trains weighing 3200 t in the odd direction and the same number of trains weighing 6000 t in the even direction.

The obtained results have allowed making the following conclusions:

– the technique and the software package Fazonord make it possible to obtain exhaustive information on dynamics of processes characterizing non-symmetry;

– together with complex indicators responding to the voltage non-symmetry, similar parameters for the currents flowing on the railway power supply system elements can be determined;

– the 2х25 kV system is characterized by a larger variance compared  to the 25 kV system, but negative sequence coefficient module has a smaller variance in 25 kV then in 2x25 kV system.

The offered approach is universal and can be used for non-symmetrical modes research in the specific and perspective traction power supply systems.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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