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Vetrogon A. A., Kripak M. N. Transport modeling as a tool for efficient solutions of the traffic flow management problems. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 82–91. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).82-91.

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The article draws attention to transport problems of organizing the living space of large cities and reflects modern experience of solution of traffic problems. It shows activities aimed at addressing the problem of road congestion are shown. It is noted that a large role in improving the transport situation is played by computer simulation of road traffic. The results of modeling are objective and contribute to finding an optimal solution of transport problems (reconstruction of the urban road network, signposting, organizing parking spaces).

The paper considers transport models in terms of the mathematical tools and a method of binding to the road network. An overview of software packages that implement the micro-, meso- and macrosimulations transport networks and flows is produced. The design software package is chosen for modeling of problem areas of the large city.

The authors collected information on the simulations: the existing traffic patterns, intensity and distribution of traffic flows, public transport routes, traffic light regulation modes.

The following methods for traffic control in the problem areas were proposed: changing the signal plan of the traffic light, prohibiting turning to the left, widening the road, organizing the circular intersection.

As the result of computer modeling, the most effective solutions for increase in flow capacity of the explored intersections were defined.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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