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Milov A. V., Tynchenko V. S., Murygin A. V. Vliyanie flyusa na tochnost' izmerenii v protsesse induktsionnoi paiki alyuminievykh volnovodnykh traktov [Flux influence on the accuracy of measurements during induction soldering of aluminum waveguide ducts]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2018, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 38–46.  DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.4(60).38-46

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The technological process of induction soldering of thin-walled aluminum waveguide tracts involves the use of non-contact temperature sensors. This is due to the fact that the use of contact methods of connection requires additional technological operations to clean and level the surfaces of the parts to be joined. However, the data obtained with the use of non-contact measuring sensors can have significant errors caused by both the physical features of this measurement method and the induction soldering process itself.

Before developing methods of correcting measurement errors, it is necessary to conduct an experimental study to determine the degree of flux influence on the indications of means of measuring the parameters of the induction soldering process. The authors provide the description of the laboratory installation on which experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of flux on the process of induction soldering of thin-walled aluminum waveguide ducts. Also, the article describes the technique and series of experiments to assess the effect of flux on the technological process. The results of a series of experiments and calculations on the statistical processing of experimental data are presented. Within the framework of this study, four series of experiments were conducted, with 10 experiments in each series. The results of the experiments are in good agreement with each other, and also point to the statistical significance of the hypothesis about the effect of flux on the process of induction soldering of thin-walled aluminum waveguide ducts. Based on the results of statistical processing of experimental data, the authors suggest the methods for correcting the non-normative errors of measuring instruments. Also, further directions of the development of research in this field are proposed.

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