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Popov A. S., Livshits A. V., Filippenko N. G., Popov S. I., Popov M. S. Avtomatizatsiya protsessa opredeleniya elektrofizicheskikh parametrov krasok i okisnykh zagryaznenii, udalyaemykh s metallicheskikh poverkhnostei metodom dielektricheskogo nagreva [Automation of the process of determining the electrophysical parameters of the metal surface contaminants that are removed by the dielectric heating method]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 8–13. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).8–13

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One of the processing steps in the repair and preparation for further processing of the product is its cleaning. The principle of cleaning metal surfaces from paint and oxide contamination by dielectric heating is based on the generation of thermal power in the removed material when exposed to a high frequency electromagnetic field. The process of cleaning metal surfaces in the field of high frequency is a method of increasing this power to the desired value, at which the thermal destruction of the removed material occurs. This power depends on parameters of electromagnetic influence and electro-physical properties of the removed material. It is known that the electro-physical parameters of non-conductive materials such as: tangent absorption angle tgs and relative permittivity e, with increasing temperature, change its value in the direction of growth. This leads to an increase in the energy released in the material when exposed to the electromagnetic field of high frequency. To study the electro-physical parameters of the removed paints and oxide contamination in different frequency ranges, the “VM-560” device was selected. To perform measurements with temperature growth, this device was additionally equipped with: a casing made of heat-resistant material, blow dryer, stepper motor, thermocouples and microcontroller. With that, an algorithm was automated and developed for its control. Thus, an automated system for studying the electro-physical properties of paints and oxide contaminants at varying temperatures was developed.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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