Development of a cargo transportation organization system for enterprises of railway transport

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Ivanova S. V., Molchanova E. D. Razrabotka sistemy organizatsii gruzoperevozok dlya predpriyatiy zheleznodorozhnogo transporta [Development of a cargo transportation organization system for enterprises of railway transport]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 112–119. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).112-119


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The estimated indicators of the quality of activity should always be present in the work of railway enterprises related to cargo transportation. The structure of the indicators is currently aimed at assessing the quality after the service is provided, and as a result, the assessment of the consumer who has already used it. With that, correcting the identified inconsistencies cannot technically be corrected in the transportation process. In this connection, the existing system of assessing the activities of enterprises in terms of quality parameters has been analyzed, and evaluation criteria have been proposed that provide for preventive measures when providing services. The direction of further development of the customer relationship management system is outlined towards the assessment of the potential customer satisfaction. The article also presents the results of the analysis of work on the interaction of cargo shippers and carrier organizations. Since the market of transport services is arranged so that those companies who are working to attract customers have their steady increase, and therefore, the rest of them lose customers. That is why expanding the customer base and improving the quality of service are important tasks for any business development. As a result, an algorithm for working with potential cargo shippers was designed and presented. It provides for the formation of a database on the region among cargo shippers, analysis of the movement trajectories of goods and determination of the required parameters for the railway transportation process. On the basis of the conducted research and the presented results, a draft standard of the organization was formed according to the proposed project model, which can be applied at any freight forwarders in the field of railway transport.

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