Development and modeling of an automated wheelset repair line

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Rozhkova E. A., Kovrigin I. V., Nalabordin D. G. Razrabotka i modelirovanie avtomatizirovannoi linii remonta kolesnykh par [Development and modeling of an automated wheelset repair line]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 32–40. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).32-40

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Every year the railcar fleet is being improved more and more, the latest railcars are being designed and implemented. There is an increase in the number of units of rolling stock and an increase in the railcar turnaround. All these and many other factors, of course, require improved maintenance and faster repairs. In this case, the cost of repair and its quality should not deteriorate. The best solution is to introduce automation in the railcar repair process, which will increase labor productivity, thereby increasing the volume of finished products, ease working conditions for the staff and improve the quality indicators of the railcar repair industry. The present work considers an increase in the efficiency of wheelsets turning processes due to the introduction of automation of the process itself. The possibility of improving the production process is achieved by assigning optimal process conditions, in particular, by automating the measurement of the wheelset tread and assigning turning parameters. The above statistical analysis of railcar uncouplings for routine repairs showed that annually more than 800 thousand railcars are uncoupled on the road network for unscheduled repairs, of which 48 % are wheelset malfunctions. Thus the issues associated with studying the reliability indicators of wheelsets in operation and their organization repairs remain relevant for the railcar economy of railways. As a result of statistical modeling, it was proved that the running time of the wheelset before the first turning obeys the normal distribution law, and the mathematical expectation of working hours before the first turning is 86 thousand km.

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