Determining the accuracy of the methodology for calculating the speed before the collision of the vehicle by residual deformations as a result of a traffic accident

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Ksenofontova V. A., Kiyashko L. A., Sopin P. K. Opredeleniye tochnosti metodiki rascheta skorosti pered stolknoveniyem transportnogo sredstva po ostatochnym deformatsiyam v rezul'tate dorozhno-transportnogo proisshestviya [Determining the accuracy of the methodology for calculating the speed before the collision of the vehicle by residual deformations as a result of a traffic accident]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 59–70. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).59-70

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When investigating the circumstances of road traffic accidents, it is important to accurately determine the speeds at which the vehicles were moving in order to determine the collision mechanism. The work is concerned with the assessment of the accuracy of the method for determining the speed of a vehicle before a traffic accident based on the residual deformations of vehicle structural elements. To determine the accuracy of the method, a full-scale experimental observation of residual deformations was carried out. The experimental technique is based on the Kirpichev – Barba – Kick similarity principle. The experimental procedure, the plant used and the samples under study, including both scale models and real elements of the car structure, are described. The experimental plant makes it possible to deform various samples with controlled impact energy and then determine the equivalent energy according to the measured deformations by the displaced volume method. The obtained experimental data are provided in the form of arrays of coordinates of deformed nodes of scale models. The article reflects the results of the theoretical determination of the impact energy spent on deformation of the samples. Experiments were also carried out for real elements of car structure. The amount of absorbed energy was determined by the displaced volume method. To determine the zone of propagation of plastic deformation, a metallographic analysis of the structure of the deformation zone was performed. The analysis of the experimental and calculated values for determining the deformation energy of the samples showed that the method for determining the absorbed energy gives an error of no more than 14%, while increasing the accuracy of measurements of the deformed object makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the result. It is concluded that the method for calculating the speed before a traffic accident on the basis of residual deformations of a vehicle has a high accuracy and represents an instrumental basis for an objective study of the mechanism of a traffic accident.

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