The substantiation of design parameters of circular curves on high-speed railways

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Morozova O.S. Obosnovanie proektnykh parametrov krivolineinykh uchastkov plana trassy vysokoskorostnykh zheleznodorozhnykh magistralei [The substantiation of design parameters of circular curves on high-speed railways]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 152–159. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).152-159

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This paper is about the methodology of rational design parameters of circular curves on high-speed railways for mixed traffic. The mixed traffic include high-speed and speeding passenger trains, and special freight trains. The methodology is based on multi-criteria optimization and allows determining optimal design parameters of circular curves on high-speed railways for mixed traffic. Technical and economic factors, features of train movement with different speeds and masses on different circular curves are taking into account here. The methodology is resistant to possible traffic changes. Another feature of this methodology is the use of computer simulation of the interaction between the railway and rolling stock at the design railway stage. The results of simulation are used to create the mathematical interaction model of the circular curve parameters (radius and non-compensated acceleration) and lateral force. The values of lateral force allow excluding the circular curve parameters, in which special freight trains have negative effects on the railway track. This paper also discusses the possibility of a speed reduction of high-speed trains. The substantiation for lowering the speed of high-speed trains is based on the theory of games. The increase in freight traffic results in the necessity to reduce the speed of a high-speed train in order to avoid an unjustified increase in the radius of a circular curve.

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