The model of optimization of work of urban logistic systems taking into account the short-term planning strategy

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Lebedeva O. A.  Model' optimizatsii raboty gorodskikh logisticheskikh sistem s uchetom strategii kratkosrochnogo planirovaniya [The model of optimization of work of urban logistic systems taking into account the short-term planning strategy]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 150–157. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).150-157

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Urban logistics is aimed at solving the problems of economic and social development of urban freight transportation. The main objective of the study is to study individual stakeholders and solve the problem as a component of an integrated logistic system. This implies the coordination of shippers, carriers and routes, as well as the consolidation of shipments of goods of several customers and carriers in the same vehicle. Urban logistics seeks to optimize urban transport systems. The general goal of planning the work of the urban logistics system is the efficient operation of the system while ensuring demand with the least possible impact on urban traffic conditions, which corresponds to the classical goal of tactical planning for consolidated freight transportation systems. The article is aimed at solving the problem of integrated short-term planning of operations and resource management, for the general case, including a two-level distribution structure. The overall objective of the study is to reduce the impact of the movement of freight vehicles on the living conditions of the population (reduce congestion / increase mobility) while minimizing damage to urban socio-economic activities. More specifically, the goal is to control and reduce the number of freight vehicles operating in the city, by increasing the efficiency of freight transportation and reducing the number of empty journeys. The general mathematical formulation of the problem makes it possible to obtain options for promising solutions and allows the development of methodological approaches for use in planning.

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