Increasing carrying capacity of the network by rationally organizing track repair and restoration works

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Krakovskii Yu. V., Nachigin V. A. Povyshenie provoznoi sposobnosti seti za schet ratsional'noi organizatsii remontno-vosstanovitel'nykh rabot puti [Increasing carrying capacity of the network by rationally organizing track repair and restoration works]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 109–115. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).109-115

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621.01: 311


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One of the most important tasks being solved in "Russian Railways" OAO is to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of the railway network. This task is solved by various technologies and means: the introduction of complex polygon technologies, changes in the Unified network technological process, modernization and improvement of the system of the interval regulation of train traffic, ensuring the interoperability of transport by organizing the driving of connected trains on a permanent basis. This paper proposes to increase the carrying capacity of maintenance sections by rationally organizing "line possessions" necessary for performing repair and restoration work. "Vanino–Dyuanka", a railroad haul of the Far Eastern railway, has been selected as an example. This railroad haul was chosen for the following reasons: 1) this single-track stage is located as close as possible to the point of completion of the technological process of cargo transportation; 2) it is necessary to perform several works different by types and purposes (straightening the track, replenishing the ballast, replacing defective rails on the track and replacing throat pieces on the jointless track with simultaneous welding of rail bars); 3) complete exhaustion of this track section capacity. It is shown by calculation that, with the correct organization of "line possessions" for track repair, it is possible to reduce the number of "lost" pairs of freight trains from 38 to 10 and thus obtain a significant economic effect. In the future, it is possible to develop and improve technological processes not only in the road economy, but also to include maintenance of the contact network and signalling arrangement devices into them.

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