Comparative analysis of methods for solving transport problems with optimal planning of the transportation process

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Lebedeva O. A., Gozbenko V. E., Pykhalov A. A., Mukhopad Yu. F. Sravnitel'nyi analiz metodov resheniya transportnykh zadach pri optimal'nom planirovanii perevozochnogo protsessa [Comparative analysis of methods for solving transport problems with optimal planning of the transportation process]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 134–139. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).134-139

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Transport modeling is associated with the optimization (finding the best possible solution) of the transportation network. This research aims to fully satisfy the freight demand within the limits of production capacity at the lowest possible cost. Is conciders the statement of the problem of the transport model with respect to optimization criteria (cost, time). The main algorithms are presented that allow finding basic solutions using Vogel’s methods, methods of northwest corner, least cost, double preference, as well as the potential method and the distribution method for finding the optimal solution. Basic algorithms for finding the initial path are presented. According to the test results, the lowest transport costs were shown by the Vogel’s method, which is considered the most labor-intensive, but the transportation plan constructed using this method is often close to or is optimal. Using tested methods for constructing an initial plan, a basic plan can be obtained. The distribution method and the potential method were used to find the optimal solution. Testing has shown that both the potential method and the distribution method gave the same values when finding the optimal solution, regardless of the initial solution method. As a result, we can conclude that it is possible to apply various methods of linear programming when solving transport problems, but their effectiveness will depend on many factors, such as the characteristics of transportation, restrictions, the used objective function and others. Testing transport planning methods makes it possible to find the optimal solution by applying an iterative process. This significantly reduces the complexity and labor costs of calculations, and assumes the use of optimization methods in modeling the transport network and transport planning.

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