Напряженно-деформированное состояние рабочих лопаток авиационных турбомашин с учетом особенностей их крепления

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Pykhalov A. A., Pushchin R. V. Napryazhenno-deformirovannoye sostoyaniye rabochikh lopatok aviatsionnyye turbomashin s uchetom ikh krepleniya [Stress-strain state of the working blades aviation turbomachines, taking into account the peculiarities of their fastening]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 14–21. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).14-21

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The article deals with the stress-strain state of the rotating blades of aviation gas turbine engines, taking into account the work of their fastening. The study is based on solutions of the finite element method and the contact problem of elasticity theory. The conditions of operation of the real design of the compressor rotating blade when it is fixed with a trapezoidal dovetail attachment are considered. A special feature of the study is the analysis of the work of the interface structure in the attachment of the rotating blade and disk, which is modeled using a special contact finite element. The finite element method, based on solid models of the elasticity theory, was chosen to solve the problem with maximum consideration of all parameters influencing geometric shapes and loads that occur during operation of gas turbine engine compressor rotor blades. The presented approach makes it possible to visually see a picture of all deformations and stresses on the studied deformable bodies as a working disk, a blade and an element of its axial fixation. The solution is tested relative to previously known approaches of the presented calculation. Along with a qualitative coincidence with the analytical model, the static calculation of the rotating blade with the attachment showed peculiar features of the change of the stress field during the operation of the attachment coupling which include the parameters of the coupling rigidity. Based on the results obtained on a real design, the paper presents a study of both changes in the matching conditions on the working surfaces of the blade attachment and in the hazard zones of the attachment part of the work disk of the gas turbine engine compressor.

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