Analysis of options for enhancing the power supply system of the Slyudyanka-Goncharovo section of the East-Siberian railway

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Kashin A. A., Puzina E. Yu. Analiz variantov usileniya sistemy elektrosnabzheniya uchastka Slyudyanka – Goncharovo VSZHD [Analysis of options for enhancing the power supply system of the Slyudyanka-Goncharovo section of the East-Siberian railway]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 80–90. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).80-90

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In connection with the planned increase in the volume of cargo transportation by 2025 along the studied section of the East Siberian railway, a throughput capacity analysis was performed on the basis on the model of the external and traction power supply system for the Slyudyanka-Goncharovo section. The results of the analysis confirmed the urgent need to enhance this section, as many parameters of the normal mode of both the external and traction power supply systems in this section deviated significantly from the normalized values.To ensure the specified throughput capacity of this section, a number of possible enhancement methods have been studied. Specifically, within the framework of enhancement of the external power supply system, it is proposed to install an additional autotransformer at the district transformer substation Podkamennaya. However, this method did not have the desired effect. To enhance the traction power supply system, the following amplification options were tested: parallel connection of traction transformers at overloaded traction substations; changing the power of the series capacitor banks at traction substations; changing the power of the parallel capacitor banks at sectioning points; installing additional sectioning points in the intersubstation area. None of the considered ehnancement methods taken separately helped to achieve normalized values of standard parameters. Therefore, we considered the combining of the above enhancement methods. After analyzing various combinations of enhancement methods, we concluded that the best option is to change the power of the parallel compensation device at the sectioning station, connect traction transformers in parallel and install an autotransformer at the district substation.

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