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Kozlovskii A. P., Sukhanov G. I., Suprunovskii A. V. Vliyanie izmeneniya tekhnologii upravleniya tyagovymi resursami vostochnogo poligona na ekspluatatsionnuyu rabotu [The impact of changes in traction resources management technology of the Eastern polygon on operational work]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 234–241. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).234–241

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The article is concerned with a proposal to change the technology of operation of the locomotive runs in the area of the eastern polygon. The goal is to increase the length of the sections within which the train movement is serviced by locomotives of one depot. This proposal will affect the operational work of the «T» railway station and the polygon in general. Today, the Eastern polygon already applies the technology of managing traction resources within the boundaries of two or more locomotive runs, in which freight trains are serviced by locomotives without uncoupling from the train when changing locomotive runs. One of these sections within which the train movement is serviced by locomotives of one depot, is the «U» - «M» - «U» locomotive run. The studies were conducted using simulation modeling. In order to obtain the results of the proposed technology, a model of the station operation was developed. The model allowed us to consider the results, after making changes in the technology of managing traction resources, the detention of transit cars without and with yard operation was reduced by 0.62 and 0.16 hours, respectively. The reduction of transit cars detention suggests that there is an increase in the train-handling capacity of the station tracks of the departure yards at the «T» station. Increasing the carrying capacities of railway stations, being one of the main goals of OJSC Russian Railways during the comprehensive reconstruction of the railway infrastructure of the Eastern Polygon. Based on the data obtained during the simulation and the economic effect of increasing the operational performance of the station, it can be concluded that this proposal to change the technology of the locomotive runs can be implemented in the network of Russian Railways.

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