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Smyshlyaev B. N., Shvets Y. A., Kaurkin V. D., Gnatyuk I. I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie temperaturnogo rezhima vechnomerzlyh osnovanij opor malyh i srednih mostov s ispol'zovaniem programmnogo kompleksa “Permafrost 3D” [Mathematical modeling of temperature regime of permafrost pillar bases of small and medium-size bridges using permafrost 3d software]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 64, No. 4. Pp. 147–155. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.4(64).147-155

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The article describes the results of the numerical modeling of temperature regime of permafrost pillar bases of small and medium-size bridges that are built and maintained in the south areas of permafrost. The bridge pillars are constructed in accordance with Principle I (permanently frozen soil during the whole maintenance period of artificial structures). Increase of pillar deformations of small and mid-sized bridges located in the permafrost areas (the North climatic zone) is due to in elevation of permafrost temperature and its degradation. It is caused by the influence of climatic, structural, technological and technogenic factors. To ensure maintenance reliability of small and medium-size bridges on major traffic arteries, it is necessary to forecast the thermal regime of permafrost soils in the bridge area. Models of the bridge are developed in AutoCAD software. Thermotechnical calculation is performed using Permafrost 3d software, which allows one to calculate oversized three-dimensional problems of heat exchange and mass transfer. This program has an acceptable performance for practical purposes. The developed model can be used to precisely and adequately enough predict the temperature regime of pillar bases of small and medium-size bridges that are maintained in the south areas of permafrost of Far East region, considering different changes in climatic and man-made factors. The model can be used in the practice of maintenance of bridges to predict their deformability and to make timely managerial decisions ensuring the good technical state and carrying capacity of artificial structures.

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