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The article presents the results of work of JSC “IrkutskNIIhimmash” in the field of developing viscous friction dampers. They provide the industrial safety of equipment used under the intensive dynamic impact. The possibility of ensuring industrial safety of dynamically loaded equipment based on the use of discrete damping bonds of viscous or dry friction is noted. The principal design of a viscous friction damping device of membrane type developed and introduced into commercial operation, which has a high sensitivity to vibrations of small amplitudes, as well as the possibility of varying the damping properties in a wide range is shown. The approaches to interpretation of work of the real viscous friction damping devices based on the results of bench testing with the help of generalized Maxwell and Kelvin–Voigt models are considered in the article. In particular, the possibility of identification of the required parameters of damping mathematical model on the basis of the methods of structures optimal design is shown. Besides, it is noted that it is possible to use the sum of squares of the difference between the experimentally measured damping force and the damping force calculated in accordance with the accepted mathematical model as a minimized target function. The article presents the developed application-dependent software that solves the problem of damping models parameters identification for different combinations of generalized Maxwell and Kelvin–Voigt models if the general amount of chains is less than 10. At that the method of direct net scanning followed by reduction of search area is accepted as the basic algorithm for search of the optimum.

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