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Gromyshova S. S., Astashkov N. P., Olentsevich V. A., Lobanov O. V. Otsenka urovnya bezopasnosti slozhnostrukturirovannykh transportnykh sistem s tsel'yu povysheniya urovnya ikh konkurentosposobnosti na rynke transportnykh uslug [Safety level assessment of complexly structured transport systems with the purpose of increasing the level of their competitiveness in the market of transport services]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 250–259. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).250–259

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In modern political and economic conditions of operation, a transport enterprise can be represented as a complex production and economic system, whose development takes place according to certain regularities. The policy aimed at ensuring the safety of the transportation process in complexly structured transport systems is the basis of production activities, which is necessary to increase the safety of goods, passengers and rolling stock, and as a result, improve the quality of transport services provided, minimize the volume of unproductive expenses of transport enterprises intended to eliminate traffic safety violations. To perform a detailed analysis of the state of the safety level, it is advisable to apply the methods of mathematical statistics to predict the magnitude of a certain type of transport risk. The article gives the main factors affecting the degree of safety of the object of study. The authors present a method of linear Pearson correlation coefficient for traffic accidents, the use of which made it possible to reveal the closeness of the correlation relationship between traffic indicators, measured on a quantitative scale, to what extent the identified relationship is statistically significant. The resulting model of changes in the degree of safety violations does not depend on the increase in the volume of allocated material resources, qualifications and personnel, the proportion of allocated investment funds. Each event leads to disruption of train schedules, payment of penalties and compensation, repair of rolling stock and the rail bed. Applying the Pareto rule, it was concluded that 80% of violations of the safety level of accidents in the complexly structured transport system of “Russian Railways” in the field of freight traffic occur due to the onset of only four main factors.

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