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Lakin I. K., Semenov A. P. Ispol'zovanie tekhnologii «tsifrovoi dvoinik» pri upravlenii remontom lokomotivov [Use of «digital twin» technology during the locomotives’ repair management]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 89–98. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).89–98

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"Digital twin" technology is one of the basic directions of digitization of economy and industrial enterprises.The article considers a variant of application of "Digital Twin" technology during the automated management of locomotives maintenance and repair. It is proposed to use a self-adjusting statistical model of the repair process to predict the time of the locomotive being available for the train after repair. For this purpose, the automated control system by the "LocoTech" group of companies provides for the accumulation of statistics of the time of execution for each operation. When the locomotive is set for repair after determining the technical condition of the locomotive and compiling an individual linear schedule of the locomotive repair, the process is simulated. The probability of performing repair for possible time durations is calculated. As a result, the assignment of the locomotive for the train after repair is reasonably planned. The digital twin simulation is performed in MS Excel in the built-in VBA programming language. The paper provides examples of the simulation usage. It is concluded that the use of the “digital twin” technology is expedient when performing maintenance of locomotives.

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