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Krol N. V., Grigorieva N. N., Olentsevich V. A., Upyr R. Yu. Puti sovershenstvovaniya khozyaystvennogo mekhanizma pri raz-vitii kliyentskoy bazy gruzovykh perevozok [Ways of improving the economic mechanism in the development of the customer database in freight transportation]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 64, No. 4. Pp. 155–161. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.4(64).155-161

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With a significant number of carriers of passengers and cargo, the issue of customer focus is a priority in the development of transport companies. The article discusses the factors affecting the pricing of tariffs for freight transportation by rail and provides an analysis of the amount of loading by cargo groups for the period of 2016-2018, which reflects the dynamics of growth due to the low-margin segment. The method of calculation of the tariff fee for the transportation of one ton of cargo, a railcar, as well as the formula of economic losses of cargo owners. On the basis of classification of the factors influencing the size of losses of cargo owners when using railway transport services, the assessment of the customer’s economic losses while using "railway transportation" service has been calculated. It showed linear dependence of the final result, based on the volume of freight and terms of delivery. Taking into account the results obtained in the calculation, the conclusions were made that it is necessary to create a new transportation technology that will significantly reduce the time of delivery of goods, the cost of transportation and, accordingly, will positively incline a potential customer to use railway transport services. When forming a new system of tariff regulation, it is necessary to solve the following problems: to elaborate reasonable principles of tariff regulation, to form a systematic approach towards regulation as a tool for structural reform of railway transport, to create a formalized and easy-to-use tariff ideology, taking into account the principles of customer focus.

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