Analysis of the train traffic organization efficiency in the train separation mode at the petrovsky plant – khilok section in a complex structured transport system

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Gromyshova S. S., Mashtakova A. V., Khomenko A. P. Analiz effektivnosti organizatsii dvizheniya poezdov v rezhime interval'nogo regulirovaniya na uchastke Petrovskii Zavod – Khilok v slozhnostrukturirovannoi transportnoi sisteme [Analysis of the train traffic organization efficiency in the train separation mode at the Petrovsky Zavod – Khilok section in a complex structured transport system]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 159–166. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).159-166

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Railway transport annually strengthens its place in the country's transport system. In the structure of freight turnover by mode of transport, rail transportation takes the second place and amounts to 47 %. To manage the growing traffic volumes, Russian Railways increase the transportation capacity of the lines in a number of ways. Operational work on the railway is optimized by improving the train formation plan and schedule, that is, by the introduction of a new integrated technology of managing train traffic. To improve the quality of transport services, optimize the use of throughput capacity, improve quantitative and qualitative indicators, a development program is being implemented with the introduction of innovative technologies. This will ensure the implementation of a unified technology of the transportation process and rationalize operating costs. One of the solutions to this problem may be to introduce a microprocessor system with tonal rail circuits, with centralized arrangement of equipment in a cabinet version in the network of Russian Railways. The paper considers the Petrovsky Zavod – Khilok section. Its length is 149.2 km. The subdivision consists of 2 sectional stations, 1 freight station, and 5 intermediate stations. The implementation of this system will result in prospective economic benefits and increase the revenues of Russian Railways.

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