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Leonenko E. G. Vzaimodeistvie puti i porozhnikh gruzovykh vagonov pri dvizhenii v pryamykh i krivykh uchastkakh puti [Interaction of the track and empty freight cars when moving in direct and curved areas of the track]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 148–154. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).148–154

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In this paper analyzes the forces acting on the wheel pair when fitting the car in curved sections of the track. In the process of studying the movement of empty cars, various ways of their installation in the curve are considered. Unloading the wheel on the rail significantly reduces the stability of the empty car and causes the wheel to creep up onto the rail head. To determine the causes of wheel unloading, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the parameters of the track and rolling stock, which can have a significant impact. It was revealed that in all considered cases of derailment, the car was in the position of the greatest skew, which contributes to the unloading of the first wheel pair in the direction of travel. The article considers influence of specific parameters on the safety of movement of empty rolling stock with two-axle bogies. It presents an algorithm for calculating the stability factor when changing parameters of the railway track and rolling stock. The method of successive changes in the parameters of the railway track and rolling stock was taken as a method of solution. This mathematical model makes it possible not only to identify the cause of the car derailment, but also to select the necessary characteristics of the track and rolling stock, ensuring the car stability. The data obtained allow us to conclude that it is not the state of the rolling stock that makes the greatest impact on fitting the rolling stock in the track curves, but the parameters of the railway track, such as the gauge width and the elevation of the outer rail, especially in the curves of small radius.

List of references: 

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