Modeling scenarios for improving the technical level and operational status of the Novokuznetsk belt road implemented on the basis of the public-private partnership mechanism

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Buivis V. A., Novichikhin A. V. Modelirovaniye stsenariyev povysheniya tekhnicheskogo urovnya i ekspluatatsionnogo sostoyaniya Novokuznetskoy kol'tsevoy avtomobil'noy dorogi, realizuyemykh na osnove mekhanizma gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva [Modeling scenarios for improving the technical level and operational status of the Novokuznetsk belt road implemented on the basis of the public-private partnership mechanism]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 127–134. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).127-134

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The transport and operational condition of roads and the level of development of the road facilities do not fully meet the modern requirements of the regional economy, which significantly hinders socio-economic development. The work defines the state of the road facilities of the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass. It identifies the main reasons for the non-compliance of roads with the regulatory requirements for transport and operational conditions and the peculiar aspects of the functioning of the modern road facilities of the region. To solve the problem and to improve the technical level and operational condition of roads, the paper proposes to attract private investment in infrastructure projects through public-private partnership mechanisms. The problem was solved using the example of the object – the Novokuznetsk Belt Road (southern bypass). To solve the problem, an additional set of indicators for evaluating public-private partnership projects in the road complex is proposed. Scenarios, implemented using the public-private partnership mechanism, have been developed to improve the technical level and operational condition of the Novokuznetsk Belt Road. These scenarios were modeled, and the problem of preferential selection of projects for improvement of technical level and operational condition of the Novokuznetsk Belt Road from many alternative measures according to five indicators by the method of hierarchies was solved. The methodology for solving the problem of choosing public-private partnership projects, when planning the allocation of resources in the road facilities, contains additional tools in the form of a set of indicators and allows one to use it to solve the problem of choosing a project option that meets all the requirements declared by the customer taking into account the level of investment opportunities.

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