On the need for a comparative assessment of an driverless cargo vehicles, using the criterial analysis method

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Doronina A.A., Ponochevnyi D.A. K voprosu o neobkhodimosti provedeniya sravnitel'noi otsenki bespilotnogo gruzovogo transportnogo sredstva metodom kriterial'nogo analiza [On the need for a comparative assessment of an driverless cargo vehicles, using the criterial analysis method]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 157–163. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).157-163


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The authors of the article carry out a comparative analysis of driverless trucks, using the criterial analysis method, which allows one to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate various models of driverless vehicles in the environment of Russia. Such indicators as the vehicle's power, its level of autonomy, engine type, load capacity, power reserve, model cost, and many other features have been assessed. The subject of the study is the method of criteria analysis. The object of the study is a cargo driverless vehicle. The purpose is to find the optimal driverless vehicle in Russian realities. Today, the essence of the transportation process is reduced to the need of preparing a certain set of data for their clear ranking and more accurate processing. The study, conducted to evaluate the most optimal option when choosing a driverless vehicle, made it possible to conclude that the Russian KamAZ 5350 driverless truck is the best in Russian environment when using the criteria analysis method. In the future, it is expected to actively use artificial neural network methods, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic methods, and many others. The proposed method of solving problems allows us to very quickly determine the best option according to the problem.

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