Taking into account the peculiarities of the traffic of external and internal transport in the design of sorting devices at industrial sorting stations and ports

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Ivankova L. N., Ivankov A. N., Burakova A. V. Uchet osobennostey vagonopotoka vneshnego i vnutrennego transporta pri proyektirovanii sortirovochnykh ustroystv na promyshlennykh sortirovochnykh stantsiyakh i v portakh [Taking into account the peculiarities of the traffic of external and internal transport in the design of sorting devices at industrial sorting stations and ports]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 165–171. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).165-171

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The article considers the influence of the structure and characteristics of the arriving and departing car traffic from industrial marshalling yards and ports on sorting devices. Due to the large differentiation by weight categories, the parameters of gravity sorting yards do not meet the requirements of safe detaching and ensuring the necessary processing capacity. Two solutions to this problem are proposed – designing double-humped gravity sorting yards for processing loaded and empty car flow, or placing the extreme groups of the sorting fleet at lower levels compared to the average groups. At the same time, the existing method for determining the calculated height of the gravity sorting yard has been somewhat refined and supplemented. The article also discusses some aspects of designing cross profiles and placing the sorting fleet tracks in the plan. For the extreme groups where empty cars will be sent, it is necessary to design counter-slopes of greater steepness to ensure that the set of cars roll down under the influence of gravity at excessive speed at the back of the sorting fleet. It is emphasized that at industrial marshalling yards and at preport switchyards, the track lengths must be different, which is due to the norm of mass and length of the formed trains and transfers. The implementation of these recommendations in the design of gravity sorting yards will increase the energy efficiency of the sorting process.

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